Start of the Project
October 19, 2020 by Klaus Meier
Our project started in October 2020. In the initial stage, the research questions RQ 1 and RQ 2 will be addressed:
RQ 1: How can journalistic innovations be distinguished, classified, and measured?
RQ 2: Are there any differences regarding the types of innovations in countries with similar and/or different media systems?
First we work on a definition and theoretical embedding of innovations and innovation initiatives, which should be valid for all participating countries. Two empirical steps are planned when initially selecting the sample case studies:
- A panel of 20 distinguished experts both from academia and professional practice will be interviewed in each country: They are each expected to itemise and justify 20 journalistic innovations of the last years until now – they consider to be of highest impact and importance.
- Tracking existing media databases with suitable secondary sources (magazines and websites on media and journalism) for a more in-depth research on the initiatives mentioned and for supplementing the experts’ choices.