
Book with all results published

Five countries, three years, one book: the final publication of the international research project “JoIn-DemoS” has been published by Routledge. The digital version of the book with over 300 pages is available open access. The book, published under the title “Innovations in Journalism. Comparative Research in five European Countries”, summarizes the results of over three […]

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Photo by Jacqueline Godany

Project end in exchange with practitioners

Three years after the start of the international research project “Innovations in Journalism in Democratic Societies: Index, Influence and Preconditions in International Comparison” (“Join-DemoS”), the project has come to a worthy conclusion in Vienna. At the end of September, nearly 50 practitioners and project participants gathered in the Austrian capital for a joint closing event. […]

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Foto von Freepik

All Case Studies in one view

The homepage has been updated to coincide with the end of the project: From now on, all the case studies examined can be viewed via the “Case Studies” tab. Within the sub-study II, a total of 100 pioneer projects that could be found in various innovative fields of journalism over the past years were examined […]

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Austrian Academy of Sciences

Final Meeting in Vienna and Outlook

Three years after the start of the international research project “Innovations in Journalism in Democratic Societies: Index, Influence and Preconditions in International Comparison” the project is now coming to a close: On September 29, nearly 50 practitioners and researchers will meet in Vienna for a common concluding event. At the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the […]

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Winterthur Jo-in DemoS meeting

JoIn-DemoS-Meeting in Winterthur

The research project “Innovations in journalism in democratic societies: Index, influence and prerequisites in international comparison” (JoIn-DemoS) has taken another step towards the end of the project: From March 23 to 25, nearly 20 researchers from five countries met in Winterthur for the second-to-last joint workshop. JoIn-Demos started in October 2020 and is funded by […]

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JoIn-DemoS in Vienna

In mid-October, the JoIn-DemoS project was presented at the Masterclass of the fjum_forum für Journalismus und Medien, the Viennese training institution for journalists. After a general introduction to the project, the Spanish colleague José María Valero Pastor presented some case studies of the most important journalistic innovations of his country to the 18 participants from […]

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Project presentation at emma 2022 in Munich

Which innovations in journalism are related to the marketing of the journalistic offer? How were these innovations developed and what influence do they have on the media company? Maike Körner, Korbinian Klinghardt, José Maria Valero-Pastor, Renée Lugschitz, Giulia Ferri and Mirco Saner provided answers to these questions at emma 2022 in Munich. The three-day conference […]

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Technology and innovation: presentation of the Spanish JoIn-DemoS team at the University of Valencia

Félix Arias, researcher of the Spanish team of JoIn-DemoS, participated in the International Congress of the Spanish Journalistic Society (SEP) 2022, held between the 10th and 11th of June 2022 at the University of Valencia, where he presented the communication “Technology in journalistic innovation: the case of Spain“. A contribution derived from the work of […]

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JoIn-DemoS Meeting in Eichstätt 

1.5 years after the launch of the DFG research project “Journalism Innovation in Democratic Societies” (JoIn-DemoS), the international research team drew an interim conclusion in Eichstätt.  After the last meeting in November 2021 in Elche, Spain, the JoIn-DemoS research team was finally able to meet again in person. A total of 16 scientists met for […]

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Portada del estudio publicado en El Profesional de la Información

Jo-In DemoS identifies the most important journalistic innovations of the last decade in Spain in an article published in ‘El Profesional de la Información’

The prestigious scientific journal ‘El Profesional de la Información’ publishes in its latest volume the article “Las innovaciones periodísticas más destacadas en España (2010-2020): características e impacto organizacional, industrial y social”, written by a group of researchers from the international project Jo-In DemoS (Journalistic Innovations in Democratic Societies). The research catalogues the innovations that have […]

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Ontological premises of Automated Journalism

Over the past two years, artificial intelligence and automation have become increasingly pervasive in newsrooms, and scholars have often stressed both the potential and the pitfalls of these technologies. The way news automation is understood by journalism experts and practitioners raises important ontological questions both about the impact of these technologies, but also about new […]

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Completed inventory of innovations presented

At the annual conference of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM) in Zurich, the Swiss team presented the completed international inventory of innovations in journalism and first comparative findings. During the innovation panel “Current Challenges” of the Journalism Research Group there was an opportunity to first go into more detail on the […]

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Reunión de Join Demos en Elche

First meeting of the Jo-In DemoS project at the Miguel Hernández University in Elche

The researchers of the international project Join Demos (Journalistic Innovations in Democratic Societies) held a working meeting at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche on 11th and 12th November. Teams from the Catholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt (Germany), led by Professor Klaus Meier; the Austrian Academic of Sciences (Austria), led by Professor Andy Kaltenbrunner; the Institute of […]

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Journalistic Innovations in the pandemic

During the Covid-19 pandemic, newsrooms were forced to reorganize their routines, trying to guarantee a timely news production, but without being able to rely on the traditional workflow they were used to. In this crisis scenario, will journalistic innovations have suffered a setback? Or was the pandemic a big opportunity to come up and implement […]

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Presentation of the Spanish team at the emma2021

Innovation is essential to ensure the sustainability of journalism, but not all new ideas are successfully implemented. There are various organisational, industrial and social factors that determine the ability of new initiatives to consolidate and provide value to the audience and to their own promoters. The identification of these aspects was the central theme of […]

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Presentation at the emma2021

In the era of digital transformation, the media landscape is changing in profound ways. New technologies are impacting the production, distribution and financing of journalistic media offerings. But what are the most influential innovations in journalism with regard to the financing and commercialisation of journalistic offerings? Project participants José María Valero Pastor, Mirco Saner, Renée […]

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First results presented at conference

Prof. Dr. Klaus Meier and his project team of Korbinian Klinghardt, Michael Graßl and Jonas Schützeneder presented the first results from the “JoIn-DemoS” project at the annual DGPuK specialist group conference on journalism research/journalism (Sept. 15-17, 2021). At the Bundeswehr University in Munich, they presented “Innovative is Relative: Identification and Dimensions of Innovation Types in […]

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Publication on Innovation Labs in Germany

They are called SWR X Lab, HH Lab, WDR Innovation Hub, DW Lab or ida (MDR/ZDF) – and they drive innovation and transformation in journalism: innovation labs in media companies. More recently, a new generation of innovation labs has emerged, building on the experience of the first labs. Klaus Meier from our project team, together […]

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José Alberto García-Avilés, autor del estudio

Spanish study systematizes communication science innovation research

Innovation is a colorful and multifaceted term. And precisely because it can be thought and defined on a variety of levels, the communication-science approach to innovations in journalism is extremely diverse. The fact that the subject lacks a uniformly accepted definition of innovations in journalism is due to the terminological imprecision of the term innovation, […]

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Start of the Project

Our project started in October 2020. In the initial stage, the research questions RQ 1 and RQ 2 will be addressed:RQ 1: How can journalistic innovations be distinguished, classified, and measured?RQ 2: Are there any differences regarding the types of innovations in countries with similar and/or different media systems? First we work on a definition […]

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