JoIn-DemoS in Vienna
October 28, 2022 by Renée Lugschitz
In mid-October, the JoIn-DemoS project was presented at the Masterclass of the fjum_forum für Journalismus und Medien, the Viennese training institution for journalists. After a general introduction to the project, the Spanish colleague José María Valero Pastor presented some case studies of the most important journalistic innovations of his country to the 18 participants from 12 different innovation projects, from ORF, Puls 4, SN and Kleine Zeitung to entrepreneurs such as the feminist portal “Vorlaut” or Media-Literacy with “Medienzirkus”: the digital native platform Newtral, which uses AI to verify information; the newsletter Kloshletter, which compiles the most important information from different sources for its subscribers; the practice-oriented MediaLab of the digital native El Confidencial; and the successful membership model of El Diario. Of particular interest to the Austrian Masterclass participants and their guests on the following Open Day were the personal presentations of three innovative projects:
● Project manager Stéphane M. Grueso presented the Spanish start-up Maldita.es. Within a few years, the project founded by two TV journalists has grown into a portal with more than 40 employees, focusing on fact-checking, data journalism and media literacy projects.
● Editorial Director Annika Prigge reported on how and why Auf Klo von Funk (ARD/ZDF) became such a successful channel for teenagers on YouTube, Instagram, Tik-Tok. Hundreds of thousands of teenagers regularly follow the conversations about fashion and menstruation, sex and young rappers.
● Editor-in-chief Jost Lübben told why and with which rollout strategies the Westfalenpost became the exemplary local newspaper – digitally and locally – for audience engagement, and for developing new target groups as well as (hyper)local markets.