Book with all results published
May 23, 2024 by Michael Graßl
Five countries, three years, one book: the final publication of the international research project “JoIn-DemoS” has been published by Routledge. The digital version of the book with over 300 pages is available open access.
The book, published under the title “Innovations in Journalism. Comparative Research in five European Countries”, summarizes the results of over three years of collaborative innovation research. The project, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), involved over 20 researchers from Germany, the UK, Austria, Switzerland and Spain.
The aim of the project was to find out which relevant innovations have developed in journalism in Europe since 2010 and how they influence journalistic quality and thus the public sphere in democratic societies. The results show, among other things, that not only have a large number of different innovations emerged, but that, contrary to some assumptions, they also have a positive effect on the democratic function of journalism.
The editors of the book are Klaus Meier, Jose A. García-Avilés, Andy Kaltenbrunner, Colin Porlezza, Vinzenz Wyss, Renée Lugschitz and Korbinian Klinghardt, while many other project members have contributed individual chapters to the collection.
Further information on the content and the freely accessible online version of the book can be found by clicking here.
Some preliminary results have already been published in international journals, which are also available open access:
- The 20 most important areas of innovation from the five countries
- The most important factors influencing innovation in journalism
A complete overview of all publications, presentations, news and media companies examined (sortable by country and innovation) can also be found via the individual tabs on this project homepage.