Journalistic Start-ups
This innovation includes organisations and platforms that have recently set up apart from traditional media houses and that act and organise themselves differently from them. This category covers both start-ups, more often characterised by a universality of topics, and niche media, more limited in their scope (science reporting, court reporting or reporting on migration)

Die Tagespresse is a satirical online magazine. Initially, it was developed in 2013 out of personal interest and as a hobby of its founder, Fritz Jergitsch. With daily satirical news from politics, published in newsletters and on social media channels, and by adopting various new business models, such as freemium and membership models, he created a profitable digital only media product with ten permanent authors (2023) and a very well-known brand in Austria
Austria | Startups

Bajour is a startup in the Basel media space which became operational around four years ago. Their core question was: How can you still have socially constructive debates today? Bajour offers not only classic journalism, but also service journalism as well as constructive – also analogue – debates
Switzerland | Startups