Media Labs
Some media outlets create departments with workflows separate from those of the editorial staff, whose members and teams focus on innovative aspects such as developing new and optimising existing business avenues, product design, experimenting with new narratives and other issues important to the future and strategy of their titles. Sometimes the process involves moving these units away from the demands of breaking news coverage so that they can better analyse and understand audience needs and devise attractive and innovative products

APA (Austrian Press Agency) is the national Austrian news agency. It is cooperatively owned by almost all Austrian daily newspapers and the public broadcaster ORF. On an international level, it is regarded as a benchmark, not least because it has a positive balance sheet. APA has a strong focus on IT and tech development and is known for innovative projects. With its own media lab, the first in Austria, and as a pioneer of automated content production, APA has a great influence on the entire industry
Austria | Legacy media

El Confidencial Lab is the innovation unit of the digital-only news outlet El Confidencial. The lab was set up to push innovation throughout the whole company in an integrated way. About 35 people work for the lab, divided into several multidisciplinary teams (journalists, developers, and designers) that include Branded content – which later became an independent unit –, Systems, AI, Data journalism, Audience development, Users’ research, and Subscriptions.
Spain | Digital natives

The BBC News Lab is characterized by its interrelations with multiple departments at the BBC. In fact, it has several funds from those departments to develop a portfolio of innovations that range from an investment program in news products to digital news content accessible to different audiences. BBC News Lab tries to create new and innovative formats and is active in data analysis. Being the unit of the British public service media it also has the responsibility to develop products that are inclusive and geared to the whole society
United Kingdom | Legacy media