New Organisational Forms and Teams
It is an innovation that points to the organisation of newsrooms around multidisciplinary working groups that broaden the competences of the media to operate in the digital ecosystem. It also involves continuous experimentation in the reconfiguration of work teams to respond to different challenges in the most satisfactory way possible, due to the fact that digital specialities have gone from occupying a residual role in newsrooms to becoming sources of knowledge central to the activity of organisations

Kleine Zeitung is a local legacy media newspaper, distributed mainly in Styria and Carinthia. It is part of the Styria Media Group, which owns another daily newspaper (Die Presse), local weeklies, magazines, a radio station, book publisher and several online platforms. The Kleine Zeitung has structured and defined innovation processes in a very detailed manner, using detailed data (collected and analyzed in-house) and involving interdisciplinary teams. Depending on the size of the innovation and the resources required, new things are developed using standardized processes and tools (such as growth hacking, product board)
Austria | Legacy media

The Main Post is a local newspaper from the Lower Franconian region. Due to changing usage structures, it has undertaken a comprehensive restructuring of its editorial team, which not only pursues an online-first strategy but also gives reporters more space for their research
Germany | Legacy media

El País is Spain’s leading newspaper. In 2016 the newspaper underwent a reshaping that found a new impetus in 2019. These organizational changes had undergone a major transformation from paper to digital, but above all with its business model in mind: its main objective is now to survive on subscriptions. To this end, it has created a multitude of new teams and profiles that have brought it back to the forefront of innovation
Spain | Legacy media

Südostschweiz is a regional Swiss daily newspaper published by Somedia in Chur (Canton of Grisons). Somedia is one of the few media companies to traditionally offer radio, TV, print and online. Its newsroom concept has been pursued for more than ten years and has been adapted several times, first at different locations, then centrally in Chur since 2015. The newsroom is special as each channel (audio, print, online) is still independent of the respective manager. There is no super editor-in-chief who decides on all channels
Switzerland | Digital natives

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism is a non-profit media organization founded in 2010 in London with the mission to hold the powerful to account through investigative journalism. The Bureau focuses on in-depth and rigorous investigations in relation to vulnerable communities that the mainstream media does not cover very often. One of the characteristic traits of the TBIJ is its aim towards collaboration, specifically between public and commercial partners as well as citizens
United Kingdom | Digital natives