Science Journalism
Science journalism has undergone a renewal in the last decade due to COVID-19 crisis. Its practical usefulness has been perceived and has gained weight with the creation of independent and vertical media in consolidated portals, the incorporation of more science journalists in the newsrooms and a greater prominence of these topics in the news offer. Not only in terms of the pandemic, but also due to the rise of other topics such as the effects of technologies or climate emergencies

Science Media Center Germany is the first intermediary between science journalism and science communication in Germany. The initiator was Volker Stollorz, who transferred the idea of the English Science Media Center (SMC) to Germany. The aim of the SMC is to transmit necessary knowledge from science to journalism in a comprehensively prepared form
Germany | Startups

Materia es un medio especializado en ciencia fundado en 2012 con la intención de ofrecer noticias científicas de calidad sobre. En la actualidad es propiedad del diario El País. La cobertura de la pandemia le ha valido al equipo de Materia ser galardonados con múltiples reconocimientos
Spain | Digital natives