Author: Michael Graßl

Book with all results published

Five countries, three years, one book: the final publication of the international research project “JoIn-DemoS” has been published by Routledge. The digital version of the book with over 300 pages is available open access. The book, published under the title “Innovations in Journalism. Comparative Research in five European Countries”, summarizes the results of over three […]

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Project end in exchange with practitioners

Three years after the start of the international research project “Innovations in Journalism in Democratic Societies: Index, Influence and Preconditions in International Comparison” (“Join-DemoS”), the project has come to a worthy conclusion in Vienna. At the end of September, nearly 50 practitioners and project participants gathered in the Austrian capital for a joint closing event. […]

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All Case Studies in one view

The homepage has been updated to coincide with the end of the project: From now on, all the case studies examined can be viewed via the “Case Studies” tab. Within the sub-study II, a total of 100 pioneer projects that could be found in various innovative fields of journalism over the past years were examined […]

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Final Meeting in Vienna and Outlook

Three years after the start of the international research project “Innovations in Journalism in Democratic Societies: Index, Influence and Preconditions in International Comparison” the project is now coming to a close: On September 29, nearly 50 practitioners and researchers will meet in Vienna for a common concluding event. At the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the […]

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JoIn-DemoS-Meeting in Winterthur

The research project “Innovations in journalism in democratic societies: Index, influence and prerequisites in international comparison” (JoIn-DemoS) has taken another step towards the end of the project: From March 23 to 25, nearly 20 researchers from five countries met in Winterthur for the second-to-last joint workshop. JoIn-Demos started in October 2020 and is funded by […]

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First results published in paper

After nearly two years and over a hundred interviews conducted, the first cross-national results of the “JoIn-DemoS” project have been published in an international paper. The article identifies and analyzes the most important journalistic innovations in Austria, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom in the last decade. It compares them and analyzes differences. These […]

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First results presented at conference

Prof. Dr. Klaus Meier and his project team of Korbinian Klinghardt, Michael Graßl and Jonas Schützeneder presented the first results from the “JoIn-DemoS” project at the annual DGPuK specialist group conference on journalism research/journalism (Sept. 15-17, 2021). At the Bundeswehr University in Munich, they presented “Innovative is Relative: Identification and Dimensions of Innovation Types in […]

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